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List of All MMC System Variables

In this section you find the full list of MMTE Client system variables which you can use to fine-tune the way MMC runs in your environment:

System Variable Name Default Value Description . Relational path (from the folder where the MetaMiner.ini file is located) to use as a working directory when running MMTE Client.
vm.location ..\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll Java Virtual Machine (JVM) dynamic library (jvm.dll) to use for starting MMTE Client. Includes a relational path from the folder where the MetaMiner.ini file is located.
classpath.1 lib*.jar There can be any number of classpath variables.
main.class xyz.ClientMain For internal use, do not touch.
splash.image res\splash_metaminer.jpg Image file to display while MMC is loading. For internal use, do not touch.
log %APPDATA%\metaminer\logs\client.start.log MMC loader wrapper log.
vmarg.* Special group of variables, see VMARG System Variables
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