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Crystal Database Configuration Remapping

Video - Crystal Database Remapping

Watch the video below to see an end-to-end walk-thru of CR DB remapping, or jump further below to see individual steps.


Crystal Reports have many data source options that allow users to specify where data should be retrieved from prior to refreshing a report. Such configurations can be managed in the Properties page of the CMC, under the Database Configuration menu as shown here:

Crystal Database Configurations

In this chapter, we'll review how to modify these properties "in bulk" - or change database configuration settings for multiple Crystal Reports at once.

This drastically reduces the time it takes to perform such operations while reducing points of failure.

Crystal Database Remapping - Walk-thru

Do not change configs from the CMC

In the following topics we show the database configuration item, but do not actually change them from the CMC. Later on, we'll use MetaMiner Client to make these changes.

Identify Crystal Reports for Database Remapping

First note down all of the target configurations needed

Crystal Database Configurations

Item Setting Description
1 Custom or Original database logon information? Use custom since we're remapping to a new datasource
2 Server The ODBC DSN name usually
3 Database The database name associated with the DSN
4 User Username to authenticate to the database
5 Password Password belonging to the user
6 Table Prefix When using a different database or "schema", it may be needed to remap the table prefix

Modify Extended Properties from MetaMiner

  1. Right-click on one or more Crystal Reports from CMS Explorer
  2. Choose Modify → Modify Extended Properties Modify Extended Properties
  3. Review the custom properties below as they map back to the CMC database configuration page. Because there are many properties and we're only interested in database configs ("Logon Info"), search for si_logon_info in the quicksearch bar to limit the tree size.
    CR Extended Properties