Scenarios and Use Cases

This section presents typical scenarios of how corporations use MetaMiner to benefit from its unique features.

See also typical scenarios of using MetaMiner in the following areas:

Orphaned Reports
Universe Objects Used in a Webi Report
Search and Discovery
Universe Analysis

In general, the most typical situations where MetaMiner is able to provide nearly instant solutions are:


We just changed a database column in production. Which reports use this column, and who uses these reports?


Use the Impact Analysis - DB tab, select your column, and choose View Impacted Objects (DB). Save the reports found.

Then use CMS Explorer, filter these reports, and choose Explore Security. Save the user accounts/groups found.



Our scheduling processes have slowed down. Which folders do these slow reports reside in? Who scheduled them?


Use CMS Explorer, go to Filter Pane, filter group Instances, and select schedule states Failure, Pending, and Running. The reports which did not successfully updated will be displayed.

In Smart Selector, choose Select folders only.

Save results as a CSV file. You folder list is ready.

Return to CMS Explorer. Select any of the filtered reports and choose Explore Security - Selection and children. You see who scheduled them.



We noticed a deterioration in the speed of queries to our SAP BW. When did they become slow? Are there new reports using BW connections?


Use CMS Explorer, go to Filter Pane, filter group Connections (CMS Explorer), and type in "BW" in the quick search field. Choose all BW connections. The list of reports using BW connections is now displayed. For each of them, last action on and updated on datetimes are shown. View Audit History to understand who and when modified, retrieved, and performed other actions.



How many users have logged into our SAP BusinessObjects landscape?


Use the Users tab, go to Filter Pane, filter group Last Logon Time, and choose the date when you started to allow users to log in. The Content Area now display the filtered results. Go to your environment, user group Everyone. The column # Users contains the answer.



I have published 12 Web Intelligence reports to the CMS. Has anyone viewed them?


Use CMS Explorer, go to Filter Pane, filter group Document Types, and choose the Webi type (kind). Then use Quick Search Control to filter your reports by their titles. Right-click and choose View Audit History to understand who and when retrieved each report.



There is a document MyPaper. How can I find which Universe and/or Connection is used to access it?


Use CMS Explorer, find your document (type MyPaper in Quick Search Control). Rigth-click it and choose View Relationships. See here for details.


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