Search and Discovery

In this topic we suggest general solutions for data search and discovery in a typical corporate landscape. One of the main purposes of MetaMiner is to help management quickly find the information necessary for making a business decision.

The easiest way: Find by ID

If you know the ID of the document you are looking for, it is very simple: use the Find Objects by ID feature.

The most common way: CMS Explorer and its features

Otherwise, you may want to use the following sequence of steps:

1.Open CMS Explorer.
2.Narrow down the displayed data by applying filters (in Filter Pane). For example, select Hide empty folders and choose Excel Document Type, if you know that your data is in the Microsoft Excel format.
3.Then, use Smart Selector to select Folder content only, because you do not need folders.
4.Use Quick Search Control to type "sales", if you know that your document is about sales.
5.At this moment, you have only several "branches" of your BI assets tree left in the Content Area. You can easily find the "branch" (a sub-tree) you need and choose Show This Folder Only from the context menu.
6.Here you are, you have narrowed down your huge BI assets tree to a small fragment you can observe. Now you can perform bulk operations - for example, Explore Security for the selection to understand who is in charge of this piece of data!

For advanced users: Meta Query

If you still experience problems to find or filter your data, here is the most powerful tool: Meta Query.

warning Warning:
You have to know Structured Query Language to use this tool.


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