The Instances filter group in the Filter Pane consists of three sets of filters:


The first set contains options for limiting the displayed data in correspondence with the state of the instances:

Hide all instances: and
Show instances only: they filter nodes in the tree depending on presence of multiple instances. If none of these filters are checked, all nodes (having multiple instances and having none) are displayed. If Hide... is checked, all nodes are displayed, but instances are not shown:


If Show instances only is checked, nodes having multiple instances are only displayed:


You cannot check both filters simultaneously.


Recurring instances only: use this filter to display only those instances which have the SI_RECURRING property set to true (1). You can see if an instance have this property by looking at the tooltips:


You cannot use this filter together with the Hide all instances one.

The scheduled states checkbox list filter contains possible states of the instances:

(All Schedule States)
schedule_complete Complete
schedule_failure Failure
schedule_paused Paused
schedule_pending Pending
schedule_running Running

light_on Tip
The instances in the Content Area have small overlay icons displaying their schedule states. Look at the example showing a failed instance of a PDF document:


If all schedule states are selected, or none of them, then the Instance Schedule State filter is not applied, and it does not limit the data displayed.


See also

CMS Explorer

Visual Diff


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