Main Application Tabs

MetaMiner provides nine main application tabs:


CMS Explorer
Visual Diff
Security Diff
Impact Analysis - DB
Impact Analysis - Universe
Meta Query

This section describes them, what they do, and how you might use them.

You cannot open and close a main application tab. All of them present in your MetaMiner Client window, always.

Additional Application Tabs

There are additional application tabs which can display some filtered and/or extracted part of your BI data, or data in some custom way:

Security Data (see Explore Security)
Show as Tree (see Meta Query)
Relationships (see View Relationships)

For example, you can open results of your SQL script in Meta Query by using the Show as Tree button:


This button opens a additional application tab Query Results that contains mixed CMS Explorer & Users functions (if your SQL Script returns a mixed content):


To close an additional application tab, do one of the following:

Press Ctrl + W, or
Click the red cross in the tab caption:


In all application tabs, there is a similar interface: if you right-click the header of the Content Area:

Right-click the tab caption of any additional application tab:

Close Others
Close All


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