Enabling CMS Modifications

The Allow CMS Modifications is an option in MetaMiner Administrator.

The Central Management Console provides many ways to modify objects in the SAP BusinessObjects platform. Whether simple (Copy, Cut, Paste, Delete), or complex (Change Description, Schedule) actions, both have the potential to cause unintended damage to the environment.

warning Warning
This option is global! If it is disabled, no modifications in CMS environment are possible, even if other flags (for example, Allow Security Modifications) are on.

The CMS Modifications option concerns all of these:

Purge Report Data
Modify Owner
Export to Another Environment
Modify Description
Modify User/Group Security and Access Levels
Kill Sessions

For this reason, we have provided several layers of security in MetaMiner Administrator.

To configure this option, do the following:

1.Start MetaMiner Administrator.
2.From the main menu, choose Preferences - Allow CMS Modifications.

When the option is checked, like here:


then users who can access MetaMiner can make modifications to the CMS environment (mentioned above).

However, when it is not checked, then users will be presented with the following error message:



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