This command is available in the context menus of the Security Data additional application tab and of the Security Diff tab in the selected cell(s) under principal columns.

It opens the Assign Access Levels dialog window:


In this dialog window you can view and/or modify security settings of the selected BI asset(s).

It displays the security roles which can be assigned to the selected BI asset(s), for example:

Full Control
View On Demand

Checkboxes show which roles are already assigned.

The Quick Search Control provides advanced search of the desired role.

Click Clear Roles to uncheck all roles.

Check the Inherit from parent folders to assign the same permissions as in the containing folder (container) in the BI data structure.

Check the Inherit from parent groups to assign the same permissions as the parent user group have.

Click OK to save your changes, click Cancel to discard.


See also

View Security Rights


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