This command is available in the context menus of the Security Data additional application tab and of the Security Diff tab.

It opens the Assigned Security Rights dialog window:


In this dialog window you can view and export the detailed information about SAP permissions assigned to the selected business object.

In the top part of the dialog window the following information is displayed:

Selected object
Selected principal
Assigned access. If you click the underlined role 1, the Role Inheritance Details dialog window opens
Row count
Export to CSV button
Quick Search Control

The main area of the dialog window shows a table with all actions allowed to the selected principal, with the following columns:




SAP Collection of security rights (for example: General).

Those collections are the most abstract, top-level categories of security settings in SAP. One collection can contain a large number of security rights that can be assigned to a large number of objects (for example, all possible operations with your content that can be allowed or disabled for users).

For further details, see SAP BusinessObjects 4.1 Administrator Guide, chapter 7.


SAP Type of security rights (for example: Web Intelligence Report).

Types are less abstract, less general categories of security settings in SAP. One type can group all security rights applicable to a particular type (kind) of documents.


Name of the action, for example:

Edit objects
Reschedule instances
Comment on documents


Status of appliance of the right to this particular object. Possible values:

granted Granted

denied Denied

For example, if you grant some right to the whole directory and then deny this right for some particular object in it, the right will be displayed as Denied.

Apply To

Scope of the right assignment. Possible values:

right-scope-object Objects Only

right-scope-child Sub Objects Only

right-scope-object-and-child Objects and Sub Objects


Number of security information sources (user groups, parent folders) for the particular action.

Click the number of sources 2 to open the Right Inheritance Details dialog box:


Click Close to exit.


See also

Add Principals

Assign Access Levels


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