Filter Groups

The Servers tab incorporates the following filter groups in its Filter Pane:

Server Groups
Server State
Server Enablement
Server Kind
Server Friendly Name

In this section we discuss Filter Groups that are used in the Servers tab.

Using Filters in the Servers tab

Just as you would focus on a specific product or category when online shopping, similarly, MetaMiner Client with these filter groups provides the ability to perform faceted search - or filtering data based on type, status, and settings of your SAP BusinessObjects servers.

For example, suppose I want to check if there any Web Intelligence server in my environment which is not running. I would apply the following filters: Server State: Stopped, Server Kind: webiserver:


Now I see: yes, there is one Webi server which is stopped for some reason. Even more: I see there are no alerts configured for this server, so it is difficult to track this problem. Now I can go create a New Alert for it.


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