About the Documentation

This documentation has a goal of providing you an introduction to Infolytik MetaMiner, its technology, maintenance, and user interface. This integrated documentation covers aspects of all MetaMiner components. We have done our best to write clear and simple instructions for getting MetaMiner up and running and hope you enjoy reading it!

MetaMiner documentation is available in two formats*:

Online help, available on our web server; it is context-sensitive, its topics (pages) are displayed on your screen when you request help in MetaMiner,
Printed manual in the Adobe PDF file format.

* Online help may contain embedded videos to help illustrate concepts. These are not available in the printed documentation.


This documentation consists of the following chapters:

1.Preface - basic terminology, what information and for whom can be found here, where to find further information and support
2.Introducing MetaMiner - general information about MetaMiner and our technology
3.System Requirements - software, hardware, database minimum requirements for installing MetaMiner
4.Getting Started - step-by-step instructions how to download, set up, and start using MetaMiner
5.MetaMiner Server - MetaMiner Server documentation for system administrators
6.MetaMiner Administrator - MetaMiner Administrator documentation
7.MetaMiner Client - user's guide to MetaMiner Client
8.MetaMiner Logs - information about MetaMiner system logs
9.Scenarios and Use Cases - sample, most common usage scenarios
10.Optimizing MetaMiner - how to improve performance and efficiency even more
11.MetaMiner Analytics - how to use Web Intelligence reports with MetaMiner
12.MetaMiner Universe Dictionary - explains a Universe supplied with MetaMiner
13.MetaMiner Database Fields - explains tables and columns of MetaMiner Database
14.Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

Using Online Help

Use any of the following means to open the online help:

Press the F1 key at any time for context help,
Choose Help - Context Help from the main menu,
Click the Help links in the bottom-right of the MetaMiner Client:


Click the Help button in dialog windows where available.

The online help opens in your default browser.

stop Warning
You need Internet access to browse online help.

The image below illustrates this:


There is a toolbar with the following icons in the right-upper corner of each help topic:


The following icons are available:

permalink        displays a permanent link to current topic that you can save and use later or send to another person,

printer        prints the topic,

home        navigates to the very first "home" topic,

arrow_left        navigates to the previous topic,

arrow_right        navigates to the next topic.

There are three ways for you to find necessary information in the MetaMiner online help:

selecting an item on the table of contents,
typing keywords on the Index tab,
using full-content Search.

© 2013-2015 by Infolytik