Optimizing MetaMiner

This section explains how to improve performance and efficiency of MetaMiner even more.

Optimizing the pull refresh mode

If you experience that changes in SAP BusinessObjects appear in MetaMiner Database with a delay that is too much long, you may want to switch to the Fast pull refresh mode. For this, set the MMS system variable


If you experience that MetaMiner Server is overwhelmed with constant download of incremental pulls from SAP BusinessObjects and it slows down the system, you may want to switch to the Standard pull refresh mode. For this, set the MMS system variable


See Changing the Refresh Mode for details.

Optimizing server metrics pull on systems with challenging infrastructures

Retrieval of server metrics (displayed in the Servers tab) can take significant time because of performance constraints. It can severely slows down the system. In such cases, it may be advisable to increase the delay by which these metrics are retrieved. To do this, edit the MetaMiner Server system variable Dcms.pull.metrics.period variable and increase this value until the system performance is optimized. You can also disable server metrics pull by setting the variable


See List of MMS System Variables for details.

Disabling audit pull

If you experience significant performance problems because of huge amount of data retrieved from your Audit Database(s), you may want to disable pulling the audit information completely.

For this you need to set the MetaMiner Server system variable


See List of MMS System Variables for details.

Running in emulation mode

If you experience performance problems with MetaMiner, you may want to run it temporarily in the emulation mode, when MetaMiner Server does not retrieve data from SAP BusinessObjects and works with the data stored in MetaMiner Database exclusively. By enabling it, you may determine is this a pull process that causes those problems, or not.

For this you need to set the MetaMiner Server system variable


See List of MMS System Variables for details.


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