MetaMiner Logs

You can track all activity of the MetaMiner components by viewing system logs.

MetaMiner logs are:

admin.log - the main log of MetaMiner Administrator; filename/path is fixed
admin.start.log - MetaMiner Administrator starter wrapper log; filename/path is configurable via the log system variable of MMA initial file
diagnostic.log - concentrated information about some warning/error events if something goes wrong with MetaMiner Server
server.log - the main log of MetaMiner Server; filename/path is fixed
server.start.log - MetaMiner Server starter wrapper log; filename/path is configurable via the log system variable of MMS initial file
threads.log - stack dumps - for example, if some thread is suspended due to database locks and so on
client.log - the main log of MetaMiner Client; filename/path is fixed
client.starter.log - MetaMiner Client starter wrapper log; filename/path is configurable via the log system variable of MMC initial file

warning Warning
You need to elevate permissions and run MMC as local Administrator to enable it to write client.starter.log files in your program folder!


By default, all logs are located in the directory <METAMINER PROGRAM FOLDER>\Server\logs except for client.log which is located under <USER DIRECTORY>\Application Data\MetaMiner\logs, sample directories:

C:\Program Files\Infolytik\MetaMiner\Server\logs
C:\Users\John\Application Data\MetaMiner\logs

Some of the system logs have a fixed location, some of them can be placed to another location, referenced from the MMS working directory.

Sample fragment of client.log:

05.06;02:52:06.470 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG com.infolytik.ui.metaminer.Zcf - handleUpdate: updated rows [53,76]. Count 77
05.06;02:52:26.782 [ClientConnection Thread-53] DEBUG com.infolytik.ui.metaminer.Zca - messageReceived: CmsDeltaReady{deltaType=DATA, cmsUniqueId=1428957805667}
05.06;02:52:26.782 [ClientConnection Thread-53] DEBUG com.infolytik.ui.metaminer.Zca - !!! CMS Delta DATA is ready for: 1428957805667
05.06;02:52:39.216 [ClientConnection Thread-53] DEBUG com.infolytik.ui.metaminer.Zca - messageReceived: ServerMetricsMessage{ serverGroupDataObjects count='1', serverDataObjects count='57', cmsUniqueId='1428957805667'}
05.06;02:52:39.217 [pool-8-thread-1] DEBUG com.infolytik.ui.metaminer.Zcf - handleUpdate env: [cmsID=0][ID=1428957805667][server=VPDEV31][enabled=true][infoViewPrefix=][hash=-1266303901]  message.getCmsUniqueId() 1428957805667
05.06;02:52:39.247 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG com.infolytik.ui.metaminer.Zcf - handleUpdate: isStructureChanged false, env row found for: [cmsID=0][ID=1428957805667][server=VPDEV31][enabled=true][infoViewPrefix=][hash=-1266303901], current count: 56
05.06;02:52:39.248 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG com.infolytik.ui.metaminer.Zcf - handleUpdate: updated rows [53,76]. Count 77
05.06;02:52:43.887 [ClientConnection Thread-53] DEBUG com.infolytik.ui.metaminer.Zca - messageReceived: ServerMetricsMessage{ serverGroupDataObjects count='0', serverDataObjects count='16', cmsUniqueId='1393437472566'}
05.06;02:52:43.888 [pool-8-thread-1] DEBUG com.infolytik.ui.metaminer.Zcf - handleUpdate env: [cmsID=1][ID=1393437472566][server=BI41][enabled=true][infoViewPrefix=][hash=1868068662]  message.getCmsUniqueId() 1393437472566
05.06;02:52:43.888 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG com.infolytik.ui.metaminer.Zcf - handleUpdate: isStructureChanged false, env row found for: [cmsID=1][ID=1393437472566][server=BI41][enabled=true][infoViewPrefix=][hash=1868068662], current count: 16
05.06;02:52:43.888 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG com.infolytik.ui.metaminer.Zcf - handleUpdate: updated rows [4,17]. Count 77
05.06;02:52:58.087 [ClientConnection Thread-53] DEBUG com.infolytik.ui.metaminer.Zca - messageReceived: CmsDeltaReady{deltaType=DATA, cmsUniqueId=1428957805667}
05.06;02:52:58.088 [ClientConnection Thread-53] DEBUG com.infolytik.ui.metaminer.Zca - !!! CMS Delta DATA is ready for: 1428957805667
05.06;02:53:04.898 [ClientConnection Thread-53] DEBUG com.infolytik.ui.metaminer.Zca - messageReceived: CmsDeltaReady{deltaType=DATA, cmsUniqueId=1393437472566}
05.06;02:53:04.898 [ClientConnection Thread-53] DEBUG com.infolytik.ui.metaminer.Zca - !!! CMS Delta DATA is ready for: 1393437472566
05.06;02:53:04.898 [ClientConnection Thread-53] DEBUG com.infolytik.ui.metaminer.Zca - messageReceived: CmsDeltaReady{deltaType=USERS, cmsUniqueId=1393437472566}


See also

Opening System Logs


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