MetaMiner Server

MetaMiner Server (MMS) is the central nervous system of the MetaMiner deployment. It is installed on the server-side in your corporate IT landscape (see System Requirements for more details on hosting this component).

It includes several server applications which listen to requests from users who use MetaMiner Client to access it.

You configure MetaMiner Server by using MetaMiner Administrator.

MetaMiner Server is responsible for:

Data extraction from Audit, CMS and other environment sources
Data publication to MetaMiner Clients
Metadata processing (SQL decomposition)
CMS writeback features
Security writeback features

The following diagrams shows MetaMiner Server and other servers, services, and databases, to which it is connected in a sample corporate landscape where two SAP BusinessObjects environments are available: BI 4.1 and XI 3.0:



See also

How MetaMiner fits within Your Organization

Network Requirements and Permissions

Business Objects


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