View User History

The View User History command allows you to display and then search the history of all audited actions performed by a particular user. This data is stored in your SAP BusinessObjects Audit DB. Access from MetaMiner Server to Audit DB must be configured in advance by your system administrator (see Setting Up Access to SAP BusinessObjects Environment).

To view the user history:

1.In the Content Area, select a user account.

warning Warning
You cannot select more than one account. You cannot select user group(s).


2.Choose View User History from the context menu. Note that this action queries the information from the SAP BusinessObjects Audit Database directly, this data is not cached, and this process can take time. Finally, the User History dialog window opens:


If MetaMiner cannot open any actions performed by the selected user, the No Audited Actions dialog box opens.

3.Browse the audit history.

light_on Tip
Maximum 1000 rows can be displayed at a time.

4.You can limit the number of rows displayed by using the Quick Search Control (see a figure above).
5.If you wish to export the information displayed to your local drive, click the Export to CSV export_excel icon. The Export shown items to a CSV file dialog box will be opened. Choose the location and name of your file (for example, user_history_export.csv). Click Export.

User history for: 'Administrator'
Local timezone: Pacific Time Zone
Event Type,User,Date,Duration (s),
View,Administrator,5/24/15 8:54:02 PM,2,
Retrieve,Administrator,5/24/15 3:53:57 PM,0,
Retrieve,Administrator,5/24/15 3:53:47 PM,0,
Logout,Administrator,5/24/15 3:53:46 PM,0,
Modify,Administrator,5/24/15 3:10:52 PM,0,
Rights Modification,Administrator,5/24/15 3:10:52 PM,0,
Logon,Administrator,5/24/15 2:34:26 PM,0,
Modify,Administrator,5/24/15 1:22:07 PM,0,
Logout,Administrator,5/22/15 2:51:59 PM,0,
Save,Administrator,5/21/15 6:04:46 PM,2,
Create,Administrator,5/21/15 6:04:46 PM,2,
Logon,Administrator,5/21/15 5:57:21 PM,1,

Date & time are formatted according to your locale. You may want to use Microsoft Excel to change this presentation.

6.Click Close.

See also

View Audit History


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