MetaMiner Client Main Menu

The MetaMiner Client main menu has the following structure:

oConnection Manager...
oQuit - Quits the application
oFind Objects by ID...
oQuick Search Control
oFilter Pane - Shows/hides the filter groups
oReset All Filters
Help - Provides different ways of assisting the user in using MetaMiner Client as well as help reporting.
oContext Help - Launches context-sensitive online help
oReport an Issue... - Allows users to send support tickets directly to Infolytik technical support and provides a ticket receipt and tracking number.
oCompare Editions - Opens a web page that compares MetaMiner editions: Professional and Enterprise
oData Integrity Status - Opens a web page that that displays the current MMDB integrity status
oAbout - Provides current licensing information as well as days remaining for evaluation licenses:



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