Google search for your entire SAP BusinessObjects landscape

Find universe objects, reports, instances, users, groups, schedules and SQL statements in sub-second time thanks to in-memory storage of your BOBJ landscape.

Scheduling Management
Just Got Easier

Quickly identify scheduling failures, pause, resume or re-run recurring instances and discover errors before your users do.

Users & Groups Simplified

Tired of being underwhelmed by slow CMC page turns and “Too many objects!” errors on large user-group trees? Don’t be! Bulk assign licensing modes to users, assign to multiple user-groups or single-click migrate to a different envrionment altogether.

Relationship Analysis 1-2-3

Getting answers from the CMC is tricky business. Especially when having to go back-and-forth between screens to understand what universe belongs to what report, connection or BEx query. Using MetaMiner tabbed analysis, finding relationships across objects is a cinch!

Server Down!

It’s not what we like to hear, but it does happen. Instead, get notified immediately when the status of a server changes or when a specific metric crosses a particular threshold. Are your Job Servers running beyond capacity? MetaMiner knows!

Visual Diff: Structure

Side-by-side comparisons of your CMS folder and content view allows architects and administrators to immediately resolve reconciliation issues that are otherwise impossible to find.

Impact Analysis - Universe/UNX

If you’re like us, then SQL lives in many, many places across your BI artifacts -- from freehand SQL dataproviders to derived table SQL definitions. How do you quickly search across all derived table SQL and then drill into and compare differences across universe versions ? With MetaMiner, of course!

WebI Versioning & Rollback

Let’s face it: even your best report developers have bad days. Web Intelligence visual diff allows you to quickly explore changes made to your Sales Summary report and easily roll back to a previous version.

aka “bad” data detection

Comparing things -- particularly data and analytics -- can be a daunting task. When Bob changes a Web Intelligence report on Monday, and Mary makes a change to the same report on Tuesday, how can we be absolutely sure that the information being presented remains the same to the end-user? Easy: Report validation. What this lets you do is track data and appearance consistency after key events like before/after BI migrations or before/after universe or report modifications, or before/after a change to the database.

Server Down!

It’s not what we like to hear, but it does happen. Instead, get notified immediately when the status of a server changes or when a specific metric crosses a particular threshold. Are your Job Servers running beyond capacity? MetaMiner knows!

Impact Analysis:
Database & Reports

Perhaps the most often requested feature of SAP BusinessObjects: What is the downstream impact from changing the REVENUE_1 column? What universe/reports will be affected if we drop the DEMOG_OLD table?

Not knowing these answers cost us tens of thousands in added project costs to manual trawl for this information. MetaMiner? 10 seconds.

Alert Builder

Send notifications to DataOps and BI infrastructure personnel when inboxes or favorites start to overflow with too many reports or when concurrent sessions crosses over your allowed threshold.

Interactive MetaData Data Warehouse

The Meta Query SQL workbench offers a rich catalog of 100’s of pre-built analyses of your SAP BusinessObjects landscape. And once search results have been generated, users can immeidaitely “tree-ify” their results -- or visualize and actionize them as a new object tree.

Promotion Done Right

Confused about whether to use Promotion Management, Upgrade Management Tool, Command-Line LCMBIAR or something else? MetaMiner provides object management aka “copy/paste/export” of your BI content across multiple environments of multiple versions through a dead-simple interface.

Crystal Logon Remapping
Headaches Solved

Keeping track of numerous Crystal Report logons and passwords is, well, not easy! Bulk logon modifier helps bring sanity to the process by quickly identifying specific terms in database names, logon names and more -- and allows users to remap values to new ones en masse, saving tremendous amounts of time with superior accuracy.

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