Tableau Server Performance Monitoring and Slowness Analysis

Tableau Server Performance

Fast Dashboards = Good!

Slow dashboards are the bane of any good analytics program.  Why? Simple: Because if a dashboard will not load in a fast enough time, the executive relying on it for the data it presents will lose interest and resort to a different place to find this information (like Excel or perhaps a conversation - both unreliable and poorly governed sources of trusted data).  That's why its important to have a sound Tableau Enterprise environment that refreshes dashboards in sub-second timing and keeps business users happy.  Can you successfully say "Yes, we meet all these performance criteria" to the following statements? If not, there is work to do!

  • Our dashboards refresh in less than 5 seconds
  • Page turns are fast in Tableau Web
  • Extracts are always successful and don't choke the rest of our resources or systems

MetaMiner’s Architecture

1. MetaMiner Server
This component is the primary back-end of the MetaMiner environment that’s responsible for aggregating key platform metrics and processing BI asset metadata
2. BI Environment
Both SAP Business Objects XI3.0, XI3.1 and SAP BI 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2 are supported by the MetaMiner server. Using the MetaMiner Administrator tool, users are asked to identify the Central Management Server and Audit Database locations of their environment. It is from these two key components that the MetaMiner engine can perform its platform analysis
3. MetaMiner Repository
All metadata and platform metrics are stored in near-real-time to the MetaMiner Database. You may see this referred to as the “MMDB” in documentation or other Infolytik literature. The database itself can be currently hosted on Oracle, MS SQL Server or Infolytik’s embedded database, H2. The ability to use these flavors for your MMDB depends on your MetaMiner edition and license type.
4. MetaMiner Administrator
During the initial setup of MetaMiner, you must launch this application in order to provide a valid license key, identify initial environment(s) and establish and test required connectivities (MetaMiner Database and BI environments). The Administrator can also be used to configure the Diagnostic Center settings which allow MetaMiner to deliver system notifications and events to email addressed as needed.
5. MetaMiner Client
The client application is a high-performance, light-weight platform analysis solution that provides instant discovery of metadata and metrics across any number or version of SAP BI environments. For more information on its specific capabilities you can follow this link.

Infolytik solutions deliver actionable, real-time insights about your BI landscape that massively accelerate time-to-analysis for everyone in your BI program.

Our Solutions

Actionable, Real-Time Insights About Your BI Landscape

Infolytik - MetaMiner SAP

Comprehensive SAP BusinessObjects platform administration, analysis and workflow to run your Business Intelligence program quicker, safer and with better outcomes.

Infolytik - MetaMiner SAP

Real-time monitoring of both application and hardware-level events specifically built for Business Intelligence workflows to guarantee strict SLAs of your analytics program.

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