Security (Folders)

Security that is persisted to the MMDB.  Note that this feature/table is optional and must be explicitly set in MetaMiner Administration > Preferences > Retrieve Access Level Metadata.


Universe Class

Object Name

Description / Purpose





MMDB unique ID of the folder object; foreign key to FOLDERS.ID

Access Level (Role)

Access level associated with the folder for the given user/group

Folder SI_ID

SI_ID of the folder

Folder Kind

Type of folder

Possible values: FOLDER

Role Type

Type of role

Possible values: EXPLICIT, EFFECTIVE

User or Group Name

User or Group Name

User Name as Group Member

The names of User Group members belonging to the group, if the record is related to a User Group's access level

User Full Name as Group Member

The full names of User Group members belonging to the group, if the record is related to a User Group's access level

User or Group SI_ID

The SI_ID of the User or Group having access to this object

has Advanced Rights?

Indicates whether the user or group has advanced rights

is Inherited from Role?

Indicates whether the user or group inherits its security from a parent Role

is Inherited?

Indicates whether the user or group inherits security

is Inherited via Folder?

Indicates whether the user or group inherits security through a parent folder

is Inherited via Group?

Indicates whether the user or group inherits security through a parent groups



See also

MetaMiner Database Fields


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