Common Universe Objects

As you read through the following sections describing Universe classes in MetaMiner, you will notice that many object groups have the same or similar object name(s). For example, you may come across PARENTCUID or CUID. Both include the identifier CUID.

The CUID is defined as follows:

CUIDs are Cluster Unique Identifiers that uniquely identify an InfoObject, within a given cluster and also identify replicas or copies of an object across multiple CMS clusters. Because CUIDs are moderately lengthy strings they are less efficient to use and slower to query for.


1. Reference:

Then scheduling a report to be sent to a user's Inbox, it is simply the user ID that is needed to be known to determine what inbox (and thus ,user) the report went to.


Object Name

Description / Purpose


CUIDs are Cluster Unique Identifiers that uniquely identify an InfoObject, within a given cluster and also identify replicas or copies of an object across multiple CMS clusters. Because CUIDs are moderately lengthy strings they are less efficient to use and slower to query for.


Date/time the object was first created. Equivalent to SI_CREATION_TIME.  Note: This does not necessarily reflect the same "Created" timestamp that is found in the Audit DB.  As the Audit DB records "Created" in its database to reflect the time the object was first created in the cluster it's been newly inserted to,although the object itself may have been created on another cluster (CMS) at a different , earlier time altogether.


Date/time the object was updated. Note: This timestamp does not necessarily reflect the last audit date/time that the object was changed or modified.  Instead, it could be the time during which an internal system event occurred and perform a system action on the object.

is Deleted?

Indicates whether this object is still present in the SAP BusinessObjects platform for the given environment.

Possible values: 0 = false (object is not deleted) , 1 = true (object is deleted).  Note! Just because the object was deleted or is no longer in the Audit DB doesn't necessarily mean


The description of the object (Equivalent to SI_DESCRIPTION field in the CMS InfoStore query language accessed via Query Builder)


The actual name of the CMS host machine without the port number. This is used in conjunction with OBJECTID or CUID to uniquely identify an object across environments.



light_on Tip
 Object names shown in light gray indicate that the object is currently not used


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