The dataprovider of a report is the component that is bound to a universe or other data source and that provides data back to the report.  Deski documents are composed of multiple dataproviders.  A dataprovider itself may be composed of one or more queries.


Universe Class

Object Name

Description / Purpose


Derived Connection

The connection name associated with the dataprovider's source. Foreign key to CONN_CONNECTIONS.CONNECTIONPK

Data Provider Name

Name of the dataprovider

Data Provider ID

ID of the dataprovider

Data Provider Type

Type of dataprovider

Possible values: FreehandSQL, Universe, PersonalTextFile, SP [Stored Procedure], VBA

Universe CUID

CUID of the universe if its a universe-based data provider

Universe Name

Name of the universe if its a universe-based data provider


Duration in time it took for the dataprovider to refresh the last time it was refreshed and saved.

Last Refresh Date

Last date time the dataprovider was refreshed when the report was last saved

Last Execution Time

Same as Last Refresh Date

Last Execution Time (sec)


Is Data Provider Valid?

If MetaMiner was unable to process the dataprovider it marks it as invalid

Is Editable?

Indicates if the dataprovider is editable

Is Refreshable?

Indicates if the dataprovider can be refreshed

Is Partial Refresh?

Indicates if the dataprovider was only partially refreshed

Max Duration

Maximum allowed duration for the report to refresh

Max Rows Limit

Maximum allowed rows of data to return after refresh

Nbr Rows Fetched

Nbr of rows returned into the dataprovider

Nbr Cubes

Nbr cubes in the dataprovider (queries)

Query Operator

Query Operator joining multiple queries within the dataprovider

SQL Text

SQL Text generated by the dataprovider

Source ID

Source ID

Source Name

Source Name (often times the universe name)





is Freehand SQL

Indicates if the dataprovider is Freehand SQL based

Possible values: YES, NO

is Universe Based

Indicates if the dataprovider is Universe based

Possible values: YES, NO

Only Include Actual Dataproviders



See also

MetaMiner Database Fields


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