The dataprovider of a report is the component that is bound to a universe or other data source and that provides data back to the report. Deski documents are composed of multiple dataproviders. A dataprovider itself may be composed of one or more queries.
Universe Class |
Object Name |
Description / Purpose |
Derived Connection |
The connection name associated with the dataprovider's source. Foreign key to CONN_CONNECTIONS.CONNECTIONPK |
Data Provider Name |
Name of the dataprovider |
Data Provider ID |
ID of the dataprovider |
Data Provider Type |
Type of dataprovider Possible values: FreehandSQL, Universe, PersonalTextFile, SP [Stored Procedure], VBA |
Universe CUID |
CUID of the universe if its a universe-based data provider |
Universe Name |
Name of the universe if its a universe-based data provider |
Duration |
Duration in time it took for the dataprovider to refresh the last time it was refreshed and saved. |
Last Refresh Date |
Last date time the dataprovider was refreshed when the report was last saved |
Last Execution Time |
Same as Last Refresh Date |
Last Execution Time (sec) |
Is Data Provider Valid? |
If MetaMiner was unable to process the dataprovider it marks it as invalid |
Is Editable? |
Indicates if the dataprovider is editable |
Is Refreshable? |
Indicates if the dataprovider can be refreshed |
Is Partial Refresh? |
Indicates if the dataprovider was only partially refreshed |
Max Duration |
Maximum allowed duration for the report to refresh |
Max Rows Limit |
Maximum allowed rows of data to return after refresh |
Nbr Rows Fetched |
Nbr of rows returned into the dataprovider |
Nbr Cubes |
Nbr cubes in the dataprovider (queries) |
Query Operator |
Query Operator joining multiple queries within the dataprovider |
SQL Text |
SQL Text generated by the dataprovider |
Source ID |
Source ID |
Source Name |
Source Name (often times the universe name) |
Created |
Updated |
is Freehand SQL |
Indicates if the dataprovider is Freehand SQL based Possible values: YES, NO |
is Universe Based |
Indicates if the dataprovider is Universe based Possible values: YES, NO |
Only Include Actual Dataproviders |
See also