MetaMiner Server First Start

At this stage, your MetaMiner Server is almost ready to start.

To complete server installation and configuration, do the following:

1.In MetaMiner Administrator, navigate to the MetaMiner Server Settings:
3.Enter the TCP/IP Server Port 1. MetaMiner Server will listen to requests from MetaMiner Client applications at this port.
4.Click Test and save 2.
5.If no error was displayed, click the MetaMiner-Administrator-Start-Server_button button 3. MetaMiner Server now starts the initial data processing and analysis step.

light_on Tip
MetaMiner Server, during its initial run, may take some time: from 3 minutes to 10 hours, as it all depends on the volume of BI assets in your environment. It is strongly recommended not to interrupt this process. We also recommend to start the MetaMiner Client to track the progress of your initial load.


6.Once initial data load is complete, click Close 4.
7.You may want to switch MetaMiner to use the secure, SSL/TLS-encrypted connection between Client and Server components. See a link below about how to do it.
8.Proceed to the last installation step: Setting Up and Running MM Client.


See also

Enabling MetaMiner over SSL/TLS


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