Folder Path Details


This class describes properties of the folder structure under which objects in the "Documents & Object" exist. For example, if a Webi report called Sales existed under a folder called Sales Reports, and that folder was under Public Folders, then the data retrieved from this class would look like:


Folder Path Complete: Public Folders\Sales Reports

Path 1: Public Folers

Path 2: Sales Reports

Some values may include internal folders like "System Room" or "Internal Storage".  You can also determine whether a folder is within the Favorites or Inbox areas of the system by examining the path names.



Universe Class

Object Name

Description / Purpose


Folder Path Complete

Complete path of the foldre

Path 1

1st subfolder of the object's folder path

Path 2

2nd subfolder of the object's folder path

Path 3

3rd subfolder of the object's folder path

Path 4

4th subfolder of the object's folder path

Path 5

5th subfolder of the object's folder path

Path 6

6th subfolder of the object's folder path

Path 7

7th subfolder of the object's folder path

Path 8

8th subfolder of the object's folder path

Path 9

9th subfolder of the object's folder path



See also

MetaMiner Database Fields


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