Allows reporting on all document types and their related properties as well as instances. Take careful note of the included


Universe Class

Object Name

Description / Purpose



The actual name of the CMS host machine without the port number. This is used in conjunction with OBJECTID or CUID to uniquely identify an object across environments.


Hard-coded name of this   universe class, "Documents and Objects"


Author of the object

Document CUID

CUIDs are Cluster Unique Identifiers that uniquely identify an InfoObject, within a given cluster and also identify replicas or copies of an object across multiple CMS clusters. Because CUIDs are moderately lengthy strings they are less efficient to use and slower to query for.

Document ID

Globally unique ID of the document or object within the MMDB

Document CMS Object ID

Cluster-wide unique ID of the object; equivalent to the SI_ID identifier of the BI platform API.

Document Name

Name of the document or object

Document Type

The type of the document or object. Possible values are:
Publication, ObjectPackage, Powerpoint, DataDiscoveryAlbum, Hyperlink, XL.XcelsiusApplication, XL.XcelsiusEnterprise, DataDiscovery, Dashboards, Pdf, Txt, Excel, Word, Flash, Webi, FullClient, CrystalReport, AAD.AnalysisApplication, Shortcut, Publication, AO.Presentation, AO.Workbook, Agnostic, AFDashboardPage, Analysis, Analytic, QaaWS, MyInfoView, Xcelsius, Agnostic, MDAnalysis


Description of the object; equivalent to SI_DESCRIPTION

is Instance?

Indicates whether the object is an INSTANCE or not.
Possible values: YES, NO

is Marked as Read?

Indicates whether an object that exists in the Inbox was read or not.


Possible values: YES, NO


Keywords associated with the object.  Equivalent to SI_KEYWORD CMS identifier.


Owner of the object. Equivalent to SI_OWNER

Owner ID

SI_ID of the owner. Equivalent to SI_OWNERID

Parent CUID

Parent Object's CUID. Equivalent to SI_PARENT_CUID

Parent Folder CUID

Parent Folder's CUID. Equivalent to SI_PARENT_FOLDER_CUID

Parent ID

SI_ID of the Parent object.  Equivalent to SI_PARENTID





Created Year

Year object was created

Created Month/Year

Month/Year object was created

Created Month

Month object was created

Created Month/Year Date

Month/Year date object was created

Nbr Documents (Distinct)

Count of distinct objects

Nbr Documents

Count of objects



See also

MetaMiner Database Fields


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