Downloading MetaMiner

To get started with MetaMiner, you first need to obtain the installation media. To do this:

1.Log in to the computer where you are going to install MetaMiner Server.
2.Open the link in any web browser (Mozilla Firefox is recommended). The official MetaMiner Media Downloads web page opens:


light_on Tip
You should always go to to obtain the latest versions of Infolytik software, patches and updates. Do not download MetaMiner files from third-party web sites.


3.Choose the tab that matches your Operating System:
Windows 64-BIT
Windows 32-BIT
Mac OS - Client Only, available on special request
4.You must download the media that matches your OS architecture: 32-bit MetaMiner for 32-bit Windows, 64-bit MetaMiner for 64-bit Windows. If you are in doubt about what is the architecture of your OS, there are three methods to determine it:

Method 1 (applicable for Microsoft Windows 7 and later)

If you prefer GUI software, open Control Panel, click System. Look at the general information about your computer and operating system, including 32/64-bit indication.

Method 2

If you prefer command-line tools: go to an system command prompt (for example, choose Start - Run - cmd.exe) and type:
wmic os get osarchitecture


If your OS is 64-bit, then download MetaMiner 64-bit.

Method 3

Open Windows Explorer (My Computer, or any other tool to display files/folders). Go to the drive where Microsoft Windows is installed (usually drive C:), and if you see a folder named "Program Files (x86)" then it is a 64-bit machine and you should retrieve the MetaMiner 64bit package.

5.Continue on to the next step: Getting an Evaluation License.


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