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Preparing a View

Before you get started with MetaMiner Tableau Edition, make sure your Tableau views are ready.

MetaMiner Tableau Edition can handle thousands of Tableau views with a single command.

Once you have prepared your sample data source, you are ready to set up your worksheets and views (rendered worksheets).

Creating a Worksheet

Let us think you need a view that displays how many recordings from our previous example have been sold by each artist.

Make sure your data source is opened in Tableau Desktop or the Web UI. Look at the bottom of its window. You will see a toolbar with available commands:

Tableau View Types

There are three of them, since there are three subtypes of sheets in Tableau:

icon Create a new Worksheet

icon Create a new Dashboard

icon Create a new Story

For this example, create a new worksheet.

A blank worksheet page opens:

Tableau Blank Worksheet

icon Drag Artist – Name

icon and drop to Pages – Rows

icon Drag InvoiceLine – Quantity measure

icon and drop to Pages – Columns

Publishing a Workbook

Up to this point, your workbook & worksheet were only available on your local system.

To make them available to others, you need to publish them on your Tableau. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Server – Publish Workbook... from the main menu:

    Start Publishing

    The Share via Tableau Server or Tableau Online dialog opens:

    Share via Tableau Server

  2. Specify the URL for your Tableau Server in the format protocol://hostname, e. g.

  3. Click Connect. Tableau Desktop will try to connect to Tableau Server. You may need to provide your authentication credentials.

  4. If the connection is successful, the Publish Workbook to Tableau Server form will appear:

    Publish Workbook

    Otherwise, an error message will appear.


    You may notice a red warning that your local Tableau Desktop and Tableau Server versions are differrent (see screenshot above). In this case, Tableau may need to convert your data and it may look different in your environment. We recommended using exactly the same versions for Tableau Desktop and Server.

  5. Please fill in all required fields.

  6. Click Publish.

    Tableau Desktop will add your workbook and its sheets/views to your Tableau environment. This may take some time.

  7. Finally, Tableau will open the resulting changes made in your environment in your default browser:

    Environment In Chrome

    icon Your workbook title

    icon Tab with your views

    icon Tab with your data sources

As you can see, your worksheets have become rendered (published) views.


Please refer to the Official Tableau documentation for more information.

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