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How to Determine Minimum Requirements

Technically speaking, MetaMiner Tableau Edition (MMTE) is a pure Java application with a client-server architecture.

Each MMTE component has specific hosting requirements.

MMTE Server and MMTE Administrator are always installed together on the same host and cannot work without each other. Then, they always have the same requirements.

All MMTE technical requirements are presented in the following topics:

Read the section below for better understanding of how to determine your own technical parameters for MMTE deployment.

What if I have both SAP BusinessObjects and Tableau?

No problem! MetaMiner Tableau Edition is able to connect to both systems, simultaneously. Take the higher of the two environments' requirements.

If you still have questions after reading it, please do not hesitate to contact Infolytik technical support directly, and our technical staff will assist you in confirming your readiness to deploy the MMTE solution.

How Large is Your Environment

MMTE is optimized to work out-of-the-box on the vast majority of environments, large and small. Still, there are certain system requirements that must be in place to ensure a well-performing installation of MMTE.

Infolytik uses the queries below to gauge the volume and density of your Tableau repository.

To determine your minimum system requirements to run MMTE:

  1. Log in to the Tableau Server repository of your environment by using your local PostgreSQL client:

    $ psql -h -p 8060 -U myuser -d mydatabase


    • must be IP address or hostname of the corresponding PostgreSQL server

    • 8060 – the TCP/IP port for incoming connections (8060 by default)

    • myuser – the user name/login

    • mydatabase – the database name.


    The IP address of your local system must be added to PostgreSQL white list, or it must be configured to accept incoming connections from any IP (disabled by default).

  2. Enter your password, if another method of authentication is not enabled.

  3. Run the following SQL queries – each of them measures the number of some BI assets in your environment:


    SELECT  count(id)
      FROM  sites
      WHERE status='active';

    Data connections:

    SELECT count(id)
      FROM data_connections;


    SELECT  count(DISTINCT sheet_id)
      FROM  views
      WHERE state='active'
        AND is_deleted='f';


    SELECT  count(id)
      FROM  workbooks
      WHERE state='active'
        AND is_deleted='f';


    SELECT  count(DISTINCT id)
      FROM  system_users
      WHERE state='active';

    Concurrent Users:

    SELECT  count(DISTINCT hist_actor_user_id)
      FROM  historical_events
      WHERE created_at BETWEEN '2021-05-03 08:00:00' AND '2021-05-03 17:00:00';

    Set the time interval in the statement above to a period of any typical peak usage of your environment.

    Concurrent user is a user who is actively using the Tableau during the same time other users are using it. For example, if Joe is on the system at 10:00am and Mary is also on the system at 10:00am, and no one else is on the system, we call this 2 concurrent users.

  4. Save the results of your SQL queries, write down number of sites, data connections, sheets, workbooks, users, and concurrent users found in your environment.

  5. Repeat the steps 1..4 for all your Tableau environments.

  6. Sum the results obtained for all environments. If your landscape includes SAP BI environments as well, add them to your calculation, too.

Evaluating Project Parameters

Now, you can evaluate your project parameters based on the previously determined figures by following the tables:

MMTE Server Parameters

Parameters Figures
1-9 sites 10-24 sites 25-49 sites 50-99 sites 100+ sites
100-499 data connections 500-1999 data connections 2000-4999 data connections 5000-9999 data connections 10000+ data connections
1000-4999 sheets 5000-9999 sheets 10000-49999 sheets 50000-99999 sheets 100000+ sheets
100-1999 workbooks 2000-4999 workbooks 5000-9999 workbooks 10000-19999 workbooks 20000+ workbooks
100-9999 users 10000-24999 users 25000-49999 users 50000-74999 users 75000+ users
1-49 concurrent users 50-99 concurrent users 100-249 concurrent users 250-499 concurrent users 500+ concurrent users
Project size Small Medium Large Extra large XXX large
CPU cores 1 (2 threads) 2 (4 threads) 4 (8 threads) 6 (12 threads) 8 (16 threads)
(dedicated to JVM)
12GB 16GB 24GB 48GB 64GB
MMDB size
20GB 50GB 100GB 400GB 500GB+

MMTE Client Parameters

Parameters Figures
1-9 sites 10-49 sites 50+ sites
500-2999 data connections 3000-9999 data connections 10000+ data connections
1000-9999 sheets 10000-99999 sheets 100000+ sheets
100-1999 workbooks 2000-5999 workbooks 6000+ workbooks
100-49999 users 50000-74999 users 75000+ users
1-99 concurrent users 100-499 concurrent users 500+ concurrent users
Project size Small Medium Large
CPU cores 2 (4 threads) 4 (8 threads) 8 (16 threads)
(dedicated to JVM)

How to Use the Tables

  1. Find a column in the MMTE Server table that contains figures that are as much close to the figures previously determined as possible.

  2. From this column, get minimum RAM and CPU parameters recommended for MMTE Server.

  3. Learn how much free space you will need approximately to store your MetaMiner Database from the same column.

  4. Find a column in the MMTE Client table that contains figures that are as much close to the figures previously determined as possible.

  5. From this column, get minimum RAM and CPU parameters recommended for MMTE Client.

  6. Proceed to general hardware/software/network/database requirements.

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