Status Bar
Status bar is a bottom area of the of MMTE Client window which provides the most important information about application status:
Server Connection status: MMTE Server connection status and direct access to Connection Manager. Double-click this icon to open it. Hold the mouse cursor over the status icon to display a tooltip where you can find the following information: your MetaMiner Server host name, IP address, version, your user name, the number of environments, server version, timezone.
Snapshot loaded at ...: local time HH:MM, when MMTE Client pulled updated information from MMTE Server last time. You can force refresh by pressing F5 keyboard shortcut or by double-clicking the
Refresh icon.
You should be aware that "Loaded" does not mean when the MMDB was loaded, but rather, when MMTE Client was loaded with the most recent data available to the MMTE Server. See About Initial and Incremental Pull for more details.
Items shown: Displays the total count of visible items, or rows, in the tree
The Items Shown may have fewer items than you think, due to active filters on the data. To reset all filters at any time, press Ctrl+R.
Selected: Displays the total count of visible items, or rows, in the tree
Task History
Help: Displays this online documentation. Click
Help icon to open a context-sensitive topic that describes MMTE Client tab, window, or dialog opened on your screen.
Current time: Displays time in format HH:MM:SS in your time zone.
... of ...: Displays how much memory is allocated to Java Virtual Machine of MMTE Client (actually used RAM, then total allocated). You can adjust this value in the MMTE Client initial file.
By default, this block is not displayed. Consult Preferences how to enable it.