MMTE Administrator Logs¶
LOGBack configuration for MMTE Administrator is specified by the Dlogback.configurationFile
MMA vmarg system variable.
Its default value is MetaMinerAdmin.logback.xml
By default, the most of MMTE Administrator logs are stored in <METAMINER INSTALLATION DIRECTORY>\server\logs
, but you can define alternative locations by changing MetaMinerAdmin.logback.xml
, all paths in this file are relative to the <METAMINER INSTALLATION DIRECTORY>\server
MMA Main Log¶
This is the main MMTE Administrator log. You can diagnose all critical activities on MMA by reading it.
Appender | FILE |
Config | MetaMinerAdmin.logback.xml |
Default Output | file |
Default Filename | admin.log |
Default Level | DEBUG for MetaMiner modules, WARN for others |
Default Rotation/Retention | max 5MB, max 10 volumes |
Default Encoder (format) | %date{dd.MM;HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{35} - %msg%n |
27.07;01:58:20.382 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG com.infolytik.ui.Zci - LOGON SUCCESS TB003(2019.1.2)
27.07;01:58:20.398 [ServerConfig Thread-0] DEBUG c.i.server.config.ServerConfig - Saving server configuration...
27.07;01:58:20.399 [ServerConfig Thread-0] INFO c.i.server.config.ServerConfig - MMA Config john@MS05[] Saving server configuration (JsonConfig{cmsInfos=[[cmsID=-1][ID=1614841205766][name=WS005][server=MS05][enabled=false]
27.07;01:59:17.333 [ServerConfig Thread-0] DEBUG c.i.server.config.ServerConfig - Saving done!
MMA Loader Log¶
This is the log of the Windows OS executable which runs MMA. The loader sends logging information to stdout and stderr streams. This information is then written to a log file.
Appender | STDOUT, STDERR |
Config | MetaMinerAdmin.ini and MetaMinerAdmin.logback.xml |
Ini config variable | log |
Default Output | console, redirected to a file |
Default Filename | admin.start.log |
Default Level | DEBUG |
Default Encoder (format) | %-4relative [%thread] %-5level %logger{35} - %msg %n |
[info] Module Name: C:\Program Files\Infolytik\MetaMiner\server\MetaMinerAdmin.exe
[info] Module INI: C:\Program Files\Infolytik\MetaMiner\server\MetaMinerAdmin.ini
[info] Module Dir: C:\Program Files\Infolytik\MetaMiner\server\
[info] INI Dir: C:\Program Files\Infolytik\MetaMiner\server\
[warn] Single Instance Shutdown
Encoder (format) settings cannot be applied to log event messages from the loader itself. They are always in the [%level] %msg
format. See several first lines in the example above.
MMA Audit Log¶
MMA dumps to this log changes that users make to system settings using this tool. It includes adding/removing environments, user accounts, groups, permissions, etc.
Appender | MMA-AUDIT-FILE |
Config | MetaMinerAdmin.logback.xml |
Default Output | file |
Default Filename | mma-audit.log |
Default Level | DEBUG for MetaMiner modules, WARN for others |
Default Rotation/Retention | max 10MB, max 90 days |
Default Encoder (format) | %date{dd.MM;HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{35} - %msg%n |
03.10;07:33:27.149 [ServerConfig Thread-0] INFO c.i.server.config.ServerConfig - MMA Config[] Saving ser
ver configuration (JsonConfig{cmsInfos=[[cmsID=-1][ID=1614841205766][name=WS002][server=IK003][enabled=false][infoViewPrefix=][hash=-66497530], [cmsID=-1][ID=1628581689739][name=BI4009 - 4.2 SP3][server=1628581689739][enabled=true][infoViewPre
fix=http://bi4009:8080/BOE/BI][hash=789084555]], tabInfos=[[ID=1543933977893][name=TB003(2016.5.2)][server=TB4434.CORP.COMPANY.COM][enabled=
true][hash=2040718629], [ID=1566402887772][name=TB006(2012.2.2)][server=TB4434.CORP.COMPANY.COM][enabled=false][hash=-1260175268]
See Also