Server Group information (i.e. "Off-peak scheduling server group").
Column Name |
Data Type |
Description |
varchar |
The actualy name of the CMS host machine without the port number, if used. В This is used in conjunction with OBJECTID or CUID to uniquely identify an object across environments |
datetime |
The datetime an object was created (for the first time) in the BusinessObjects CMS; Equivalent to SI_CREATION_TIME |
varchar |
The unique ID of the object, but does not stay unique across environments (CMS/Query Builder equivalent of SI_ID ) |
nvarchar |
Description of the purpose of the server group |
ID |
int |
Primary key |
bit |
Indicates whether this object was deleted from the BusinessObjects CMS. В When set to "1", the object was deleted and MetaMiner keeps a "soft delete" record of its metadata. |
bit |
Indicates whether this object is an instance В (scheduled object) or not; Instances are usually only stored in the DOCUMENTS or V_DOCUMENTS table/view. Instances are NOT captured in base tables such as CRYSTAL_DOCUMENTS, WEBIxx_DOCUMENTS, DESKI_DOCUMENTS |
varchar |
The type of the object, equivalent to SI_KIND in the CMS/Query Builder |
nvarchar |
The name of the object, in many cases the equivalent of SI_ID in the CMS/Query Builder when referring to a base CMS object type (USERS, SEMANTICLAYER etc.) |
int |
The SI_ID of the object as its known to the BusinessObjects CMS |
varchar |
Parent CUID of the container that holds Server Groups |
varchar |
Parent Folder CUID |
int |
The object's Parent ID, which could be an instance or folder or object package or publication. В Equivalent of SI_PARENTID |
datetime |
Datetime that this object was updated in the BusinessObjects CMS |
bigint |
Time in milliseconds that this object was updated in the BusinessObjects CMS |
See also