This class provides many details about objects found within a report that could come from either a dataprovider or that exist only at the report level.
Universe Class |
Object Name |
Description / Purpose |
ID |
Unique IF of the object to MMDB |
Associated Dimension |
Associated dimension ID if the object is a detail |
Class Name |
Name of the class the object resides under |
Class Lineage |
Lineage of the class the object resides under |
Condition Category |
Condition Category |
Dataprovider ID |
Foreign key to WEBI1200_DATAPROVIDERS.ID |
Default Values |
Formula |
Formula Language ID |
is Condition? |
is Valid? |
Last Used Values |
Universe CUID |
Object Name |
Object Type |
Operator |
Object Description |
Prompt Name |
Qualification |
Query ID |
Webi1200 Document Id |
Webi1200 Dataprovider Id |
Formula Filter (Webi) |
See also