The dataprovider of a report is the component that is bound to a universe or other data source and that provides data back to the report. Webi documents are composed of multiple dataproviders. A dataprovider itself may be composed of one or more queries. The image below depicts how a dataprovider is created in Web Intelligence.
Universe Class |
Object Name |
Description / Purpose |
ID |
Unique ID of the dataprovider within the MMDB |
Date |
Date of the dataprovider |
Webi1200 Document ID |
Foreign key to WEBI1200_DOCUMENTS.ID |
Can create combined query? |
Returns 1 if the dataprovider can create a combined query |
Can retrieve duplicate rows? |
Returns 1 if the dataprovider can return duplicate rows |
Can edit change query? |
Returns 1 if the dataprovider's query(ies) can be edited |
Can refresh dataprovider? |
Returns 1 if the dataprovider's data can be refreshed |
Can view SQL? |
Returns 1 if you can view SQL |
Condition Text |
The text of the condition if the dataprovider has a condition |
Dataprovider ID |
ID of the dataprovider (only unique to the document, e.g. DP01) |
Dataprovider Name |
Name of the dataprovider |
Dataprovider Type |
Type of dataprovider |
Dataprovider Row Count |
Count of rows of data stored in the dataprovider |
Duration |
Duration in seconds the dataprovider took to refresh |
Source Name |
Name of the dataprovider's source. This is often times the same name as the Universe name for universe-based dataproviders |
has Combied Queries? |
If the dataprovider has combined queries this field returns 1 |
Has Condition? |
If the dataprovider has a condition, this field returns 1 |
is Query Submitted? |
is Partial Result? |
If the query has returned a partial result, this flag returns 1 else 0 |
is Sample data? |
Indicates the Sample data flag is set on the dataprovider |
is Sampling Free Random? |
Indicates the Sample Free Random flag is set on the dataprovider |
is Sampling Repeatable Random? |
Indicates the Sample Repeatable Random flag is set on the dataprovider |
is Custom SQL? |
If the data provider uses custom SQL this returns 1 otherwise 0 |
is Valid? |
If the dataprovider is not valid, it returns 0 otherwise 1 |
is SQL Supported? |
Returns 0 if SQL is not supported, otherwise 1 if it is supported |
Sql Container Structure |
Structure of the SQL Container using set notation |
Universe ID |
SI_ID of the universe if universe-based |
Universe CUID |
CUID of the universe if universe-based |
Universe Name |
Name of the universe if universe-based |
See also