The dataprovider of a report is the component that is bound to a universe or other data source and that provides data back to the report.  Webi documents are composed of multiple dataproviders.  A dataprovider itself may be composed of one or more queries.  The image below depicts how a dataprovider is created in Web Intelligence.


Universe Class

Object Name

Description / Purpose



Unique ID of the dataprovider within the MMDB


Date of the dataprovider

Webi1200 Document ID

Foreign key to WEBI1200_DOCUMENTS.ID

Can create combined query?

Returns 1 if the dataprovider can create a combined query

Can retrieve duplicate rows?

Returns 1 if the dataprovider can return duplicate rows

Can edit change query?

Returns 1 if the dataprovider's query(ies) can be edited

Can refresh dataprovider?

Returns 1 if the dataprovider's data can be refreshed

Can view SQL?

Returns 1 if you can view SQL

Condition Text

The text of the condition if the dataprovider has a condition

Dataprovider ID

ID of the dataprovider (only unique to the document, e.g. DP01)

Dataprovider Name

Name of the dataprovider

Dataprovider Type

Type of dataprovider

Dataprovider Row Count

Count of rows of data stored in the dataprovider


Duration in seconds the dataprovider took to refresh

Source Name

Name of the dataprovider's source.  This is often times the same name as the Universe name for universe-based dataproviders

has Combied Queries?

If the dataprovider has combined queries this field returns 1

Has Condition?

If the dataprovider has a condition, this field returns 1

is Query Submitted?


is Partial Result?

If the query has returned a partial result, this flag returns 1 else 0

is Sample data?

Indicates the Sample data flag is set on the dataprovider

is Sampling Free Random?

Indicates the Sample Free Random flag is set on the dataprovider

is Sampling Repeatable Random?

Indicates the Sample Repeatable Random flag is set on the dataprovider

is Custom SQL?

If the data provider uses custom SQL this returns 1 otherwise 0

is Valid?

If the dataprovider is not valid, it returns 0 otherwise 1

is SQL Supported?

Returns 0 if SQL is not supported, otherwise 1 if it is supported

Sql Container Structure

Structure of the SQL Container using set notation

Universe ID

SI_ID of the universe if universe-based

Universe CUID

CUID of the universe if universe-based

Universe Name

Name of the universe if universe-based



See also

MetaMiner Database Fields


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